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сряда, 11 май 2011 г.

Mind power

The grouch provokes blight.The hatred provokes bad health.The fear from poverty provokes misery.
The hope provokes happiness.The courage and determination provoke success.The continuous thinking about some of your quality will give you this quality, it doesn't matter if it is good or bad.
The acquiring of some good quality, like courage, determination or inspiration, destroy the bad quality like indecision, fear and apathy.
This is theory, it is mind technique, using in the Jewish history from Joseph, Christ and Moses.Parts of this history, called the Bible, contain the real explanation for the power of the mind.Every man, woman and child receive exactly that they deserve.There is no mistake in the nature laws.The qualities that you will gain, will make your mind incredibly and able to attract the good things on your side.Your position at this moment is result of your thoughts in the past and your position in the future will be result of your thoughts now, so be careful what you think.Now may be you will say, that your minds wouldn't bring you wealth, but what did really bring the wealth.The answer is not the chance, the answer is the human.The humans make wealth, not the chance, lucky or other similar things.If you want it really, this will happen, but not from itself.You need to work, work hardly.The work includes working, reading, improving yourself, meeting with right person, communicating with them, searching for ideas and thinking.Everything depend from the human.
Perfect your mind and thinking, direct them to this that you want.You will see that you will meet the right people, the right books, the right information.It wouldn't  be fast.You will have to travel a long, long way, but believe me the result is worth.The feeling to feel really live, master of your life is incomparable.
One from the necessary things is your inside peace and calm.You have to be clear about what you want.Many people wants success and happiness, but only few reach it.You have to grab your idea and hold it strongly, very strongly.Yourself is your thoughts, not this that you think you are.

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