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неделя, 17 април 2011 г.

Concentration - first part

concentrateConcentration has very big meaning for increasing your mental power and it's one from our primary themes.Concentric thinking is big priority, so you have to learn it very well.Almost every day of our lives has a moment, when we have to stay concentrated and focused.It's not so easy, if you think that it is.The ability for isolating from the surrounding world and think only for one thing is difficult.I'm going to publish a several articles with advices for better concetration

1.Emptying your mind - if sometimes you have the feeling that your thoughts look like a crossroad in big city, so definite your mind needs to be empty.You don't have to understand "empty" word for word,but it's figurative.Learn what you have to do:
A.If you want to be easier, you have to be alone and isolated from the outside world(TV, music, noise).
B.Sit comfort, with comfort clothes
C.Close your eyes,imagine that your mind is absolutely free and say: "I want to make my mind empty and free "
D.When the thought come,just try to do not involve the thought and pass it go.You don't have to start think "actively" for the thoughts that come.This practice is hard for assimilation, but once you master it, you will understand how useful could be.This exercise will help you to improve your focus and make your thoughts more orderly.

2.This exercise don't have a name, so lets called it just "concentration".Every night, before going to the bed, spare 10 minutes.Sit on the comfort chair, close to table, put your arms on the table, sit quietly and concentrate your mind.Stay at this position 10 minutes.Until you are sitting you don't have to move, you have to be absolutely immovable.You didn't have to move your eyes even.The only move that is allowed is winking.You may feel pinching, itching, but you have to stay immovable.If you can't do this, you don't have enough will.If you didn't succeed from the first times, don't refuse.

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